Download AnyDATA WCDMA HSU Serial 1 (DIAG) Device (PID 6292) Driver

  1. Download Anydata Wcdma Hsu Serial 1 (diag) Device (pid 6292) Drivers
  2. Download Anydata Wcdma Hsu Serial 1 (diag) Device (pid 6292) Driver Updater
  3. Download Anydata Wcdma Hsu Serial 1 (diag) Device (pid 6292) Driver License

Download AnyDATA modem drivers or install DriverPack Solution software for driver scan and update. AnyDATA WCDMA HSU Serial 1 (DIAG) Device (PID 6292) AnyDATA WCDMA HSU Serial 1 (DIAG) Device (PID 6293) AnyDATA WCDMA HSU Serial 1 (DIAG) Device (PID 6294). 1 0 1 amplitude chips first tap 0 2 4 6 8 10-1 0 1 amplitude chips second tap 0 2 4 6 8 10-1 0 1 amplitude chips third tap 0 2 4 6 8 10-1 0 1 amplitude chips received signal 1 2 0 (,) k M jt kk k ht heλδλτπν − = =−∑ – The codes are orthogonal if they are synchronised, start at the same moment –. To manually install the driver, go to the device manager and click on the USB serial device needing the driver. Click on the driver tab. Click on Update Driver. Select the Browse my computer for driver software option, and browse to the driver folder you unzipped. Make sure the Include Subfolders box is checked, and the driver should install. The IOCTLHIDGETSTRING request obtains a manufacturer ID, product ID, or serial number for a top-level collection. The retrieved string is a NULL-terminated wide character string in a human-readable format. IOCTLHIDREADREPORT: The IOCTLHIDREADREPORT request transfers an input report from a HIDClass device into the HID class driver's buffer. Drivers Telecommunications Equipment Telecommunications.

Download Anydata Wcdma Hsu Serial 1 (diag) Device (pid 6292) Drivers

370 KB
Storage Devices
Windows Vista / 7 64-bit

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The SES driver is not required for your drive to be recognized by your computer. If your drive is not recognized please see Answer ID 1708: I cannot find drivers for my WD drive and/or my Operating System fails to recognize my WD drive.

The SES (SCSI Enclosure Services) driver is different from the Virtual CD, and the WD SmartWare software. To access many of the optional features of your drive, you will be required to install both the SES driver, and the WD SmartWare software. If you wish to use the drive as a simple hard drive and do not require access to the advanced features of the drive, you can hide the VCD by following Answer ID 3835: How to disable (hide) the Virtual CD (VCD) for Windows or Mac OSX on a My Book or My Passport drive . Western Digital still recommends installing the SES driver when not using WD SmartWare, but the drive will function without it. The prompts to install the driver are part of the Windows Operating system and will always occur when connecting a drive to a Windows PC without the driver installed.

Download AnyDATA WCDMA HSU Serial 1 (DIAG) Device (PID 6292) Driver

You can download a copy of the SES driver from our knowledge base. For assistance doing this please see Answer ID 5419: WD SES driver download and instructions for recovering the WD SmartWare installer.


Windows attempts to install a driver called the SES Driver every time I connect the drive to a computer. What is this driver, why is it required and how can I get rid of the repeated prompts to install the driver?


Your new Western Digital My Passport/My Book hard drive requires a special communications channel (SCSI) between your PC and the drive to enable certain features such as password protection, LED control, and access to the drives label if applicable.

At install, the Windows operating system detects this SCSI communications channel and attempts to install a SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) driver. This driver is only used by your hard drive and is installed by default when you first attach the drive to a computer.

However if you did not install the driver upon first install and chose not to install WD Smartware, Windows will continue to prompt you to install the driver each time you connect the drive to a computer. This will continue to occur unless the SES driver is installed.


We recommend that you install the driver by selecting the Install the software automatically option on the popup screen. Windows will automatically find the Windows SES driver online, and the prompting will disappear. This will not affect your operating system negatively in any way. If Windows is unable to find the driver you can download a copy of the driver from Answer ID 5419: WD SES driver download and instructions for recovering the WD SmartWare installer.

Here's other similar drivers that are different versions or releases for different operating systems:
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    • February 22, 2013
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    • 12.6 MB
    • January 3, 2013
    • Windows Vista / 7 / 8
    • 10.7 MB
    • January 3, 2013
    • Windows Vista / 7 / 8
    • 10.6 MB
    • October 11, 2012
    • Windows (all)
    • 4.2 MB

Download Anydata Wcdma Hsu Serial 1 (diag) Device (pid 6292) Driver Updater


Revision 2.0 of the Universal Serial Bus Specification specifies a USB selective suspend feature. By using this feature, the Windows operating system can selectively suspend idle USB devices. This allows Windows to efficiently manage the power requirements of the overall system. For more information about how Windows supports the USB selective suspend feature, see USB selective suspend. (This resource may not be available in some languages and countries.)

By default, USB selective suspend is disabled by Windows in order to provide a consistent user experience and to avoid resume latency from selective suspend.

A HID device that supports selective suspend must be designed to:

Download Anydata Wcdma Hsu Serial 1 (diag) Device (pid 6292) Driver License

  • Retain the first input, touch, movement or key press when resuming from selective suspend.
  • Wake from selective suspend on movement.
  • Maintain the wireless link (if applicable).
  • Maintain power to any active status LEDs, such as NUM lock or CAPS lock.
  • Resume from selective suspend without any perceived delay by the user.

Windows 8 supports two methods for enabling Selective Suspend for HID USB devices. They are as follows:

  1. Microsoft OS Descriptor [PREFERRED]: The Microsoft OS Descriptor’s Extended Properties descriptor can be used to write the necessary registry key(s) to support USB HID Selective Suspend.
  2. Vendor Provided INF: The Hardware manufacturer can provide an INF file (that matches on the USB Hardware ID for the HID devnode) to install the appropriate registry keys.

Microsoft recommends that hardware vendors and PC manufacturers use the first option to enable USB HID Selective Suspend. The advantages of this option are:

Download AnyDATA WCDMA HSU Serial 1 (DIAG) Device (PID 6292) Driver
  • Hardware vendors and PC manufacturers do not have to install an additional INF file.
  • The necessary registry setting is automatically populated on new Windows 8 installations.
  • The necessary registry setting is preserved on an upgrade to Windows 8.
  • The user cannot lose (or disable) Selective Suspend functionality by uninstalling the INF.

However, hardware vendors and PC manufacturers who wish to still use the INF approach, can use the example below. The following is a sample INF file that shows how to enable this USB feature for HID devices in Windows:


  1. The INF Version section should have the CLASSGUID and DriverVer directives set as follows:

    • The CLASSGUID directive must specify the Microsoft class GUID for HID devices. This GUID has the value {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}.

    • The DriverVer directive must have a value that has a newer date and greater version number than the value specified by the DriverVer directive in Input.inf.

    1. The VendorXYZDevice* sections specify the hardware identifier (ID) for the vendor's HID device. The hardware ID consists of a vendor identifier (VID) and product identifier (PID). Each hardware ID for a device must have VID/PID values that are unique to the vendor and device. This ensures that the same hardware ID does not correspond to multiple names and settings
    1. The VendorXYZDevice_Install.NT and VendorXYZDevice_Install.NT.HW sections are INF DDInstall sections. In this example, these sections contain INF Include and Needs directives.

    The Include directives reference the system-supplied Input.inf file, which contains INF sections needed to enable the USB selective suspend feature for the vendor's HID device.

    The Needs directives indicate which sections from Input.inf should be processed during device installation. In this case, the HID_SelSus_Inst section is selected instead of the default HID_Inst section, which does not support selective suspend.

    1. The VendorXYZDevice_Install.NT.Services section is an INF DDInstall.HW section. In this example, the section also contains the same values for the INF Include and Needs directives.